About Snehgangal

National award Winner Mix Media Artist New Delhi
To talk About Snehgangal, she is a National Award Winner, mix media, miniature freelance artist, belonging from Firozabad, UP, a city that is internationally-renowned for glassware items and Chandeliers.
Sneh Gangal was presented with a National award by the honorable President of India Shri APJ Abdul Kalam, for her distinguished miniature work on papier Mache balls in 2003.

25 years of expertise in the industry
Recognized for her 25 years of expertise in different art techniques, Miniature, Stone dust paint, Pen and Ink drawings, Tree of Life, Kangra Art, and Reverse Mirror Paintings, Dr. Sneh Gangal, has effectively contributed to the Indian Art & Culture arena; About Snehgangal.
Dr. Sneh Gangal has done her Ph.D. in Kangra paintings from Rohelkhand University, Bareilly, UP.
Moreover, the colors derived from the dust, vegetables, flowers, and many natural things were the major inspiration behind her love for Kangra painting; About Snehgangal.
Expertise in Various artworks
She has garnered appreciation for her works, especially for miniature paintings and pen and ink drawings. Furthermore, her area of expertise includes Miniature Paintings, Mural Paintings, Reverse Mirror Paintings, Pen and Ink Drawings, stone dust painting, Wall paintings, Acrylic Paintings, and Oil paintings on canvas.
In addition to this, there exist different themes under the above-listed categories, like – Floral, figurative, mythological, and abstract paintings in which she shares equal excellence.

To quote Sneh Gangal (About Snehgangal)
“Painting came naturally to me as colors rooted to my genes and creativity runs in my blood as my mother is a born and self-taught painter well recognized in the local community.
However, having been born to an avid painter and grown up in the surroundings of colors, I don’t remember if, in my early years, I made many efforts and took conscious decisions to follow my instinct; About Snehgangal.
But, taking up the thesis topic was an obvious choice. Owing to this, I attended various workshops to understand the art form in more detail and enhance my skills.
I visited various museums, observed the paintings of famous artists in minute details, and created the replica on canvas in my style using Kangra miniature art form.”
As it is evident from the above quote to Snehgangal, art is nothing short of creativity and art. Besides it, art helps her portray the traditional and contemporary world in bright light.
Expertise in Miniature and Kangra Art
To talk about her expertise, the curiosity to know about the latest changes in the Kangra art regarding color, technique, and subject inspired her to adopt the field.
Kangra Paintings accounts for an exceptional work of detail requiring precision. It requires an understanding of the concept the psychology and the minuscule knowledge from history to depicting the exact on the frame.; About Snehgangal.

Kangra art is a beautiful depiction of eternal love between Radha and Krishna from Mythology. Consequently, with an eye for detail, Sneh Gangal explored multiple Kangra paintings, and continuous trial and error helped her mastered the art.
Though her life has been a series of roller coasters, her dedication to achieving something extra-ordinary and desire to achieve the impossible made her a renowned artist of India.
What her Paintings Depict
To Sneh Gangal, Art is something where it is impossible to draw a line between the real and the imaginary.
Her paintings are a personal depiction of the experiences of day-to-day and women’s lives and their struggles; About Snehgangal.
For example, Sneh Gangal’s feminine aspect of depicting things gets reflected in her miniature paintings.
Therefore, the creation depicts the real characters of life.
In addition to this, her infatuation for diverse concepts of art and the desire to explore granted her wings to conquer the impossible.
Works got Recognition by Government of India and abroad
The works got recognition by the government of India. As a result, she got an opportunity to participate in various art exhibitions and cultural programs.
In this way, Sneh Gangal wrote her journey of life in golden letters.
Furthermore, she has been an active participant in cultural programs and art exhibitions since 1997 and has exhibited her paintings in nearly every corner of the world.
Her creative artworks were exhibited at Lalit Kala Academy (New Delhi), India today’s art gallery (Delhi), Delhi Haat, India Habitat Center, and Kumaraswami Art Gallery, Mumbai respectively.
This was just the beginning.
After significant recognition in the field, Sneh Gangal represented India in a meeting in an Indo-Nepal cultural exchange program in Kathmandu. And also at Fine Art Museum, Kirgizstan.
Art can’t be restricted to 4 walls. Likewise, one can’t separate art from Sneh Gangal. Inspired by the challenge to cover the world with her wings, she spilled her heart out in the paintings.
As a result of this inspiration, she worked on pen and ink paintings that enhance the aura of the Delhi Secretariat walls and Rashtrapati Bhavan today.
Her impressive participation abroad in Canada, Sydney, Paris (UN headquarters), Mascot, and Kirgizstan played a crucial role in enhancing her artistic life frame; about Snehgangal.

Art for book covers
Besides the aforementioned achievements, her illustrated stories and book covers for India Today magazine and contribution in crafting the map of Rajasthan with Dastkari Haat Samiti won the hearts.

Recent accomplishment
Sneh Gangal the women with fierce determination and fueled with an ambition to revise the gear of traditional art participated in an International competition lately.
Consequently, her painting on Covid-19 got selected in the competition in 2020 by ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations).

Her creations with Famous personalities
Sneh Gangal won many hearts with her thought-provoking perspective on nature and humankind.
And subsequently, her creations can be found with some private collectors of India (Jagdish Tytler (former Member of Parliament) and Smt. Sheila Dixit (former chief minister of Delhi) and various embassies, ambassadors, and corporate houses in the USA, France, Greek, and Australia.
To summarize, Sneh Gangal’s substantial contribution to art and culture is a clear depiction of relentless dedication to conquering excellence; About Snehgangal. For more details, contact us.